
In general access is possible by indexes (0-based) or by references (alphanumeric presentation, e.g. A1). Type of reference depends on situation.

Type of reference

  • CellRef - single cell. E.g. A1
  • Ref - range. E.g. A1:B2
  • RefList - few ranges same time, E.g. A1:B2 C3 D1:E4

N.B.: There is special case when Ref points to single cell, e.g. A1:A1 is same as A1

Xlsx2Go has few helper types, such as Bounds and BoundsList to simplify and unify access logic and few helper functions.

package main

import (

func main() {
	//to create Ref from CellRefs
	var ref types.Ref = types.RefFromCellRefs("A1", "B2")
	//to create CellRef from indexes
	var cRef types.CellRef = types.CellRefFromIndexes(0, 1)
	//to create Bounds from indexes
	var bounds types.Bounds = types.BoundsFromIndexes(0, 1, 1, 2)

Check Api Doc for more information about types package


	xl, err := xlsx.Open("./foo.xlsx")
	// Get sheet by 0-based index
	sheet := xl.Sheet(0)

	// Create a new sheet:
	sheet = xl.AddSheet("New Sheet Name")


	// Get cell by 0-based indexes
	cell := sheet.Cell(13, 27)

	// Get cell by reference
	cell = sheet.CellByRef("N28")


	// Get row by 0-based index
	row := sheet.Row(9)

	// Get cell of row at 0-based col index
	cell := row.Cell(0)


	// Get col by 0-based index
	col := sheet.Col(3)

	// Get cell of col at 0-based row index
	cell = col.Cell(0)


	// Get range by references
	area := sheet.RangeByRef("D10:E10")
	// Get range indexes: fromCol, fromRow, toCol, toRow
	area = sheet.Range(3, 9, 4, 9)
Last Updated: 7/16/2019, 1:14:19 PM